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Posted by on 2015/01/12 under Uncategorized

This Saturday, so yesterday, my best friend ended our friendship. This was her reason: my problems are too much for her to handle or deal with. She told me I talk about myself too much, I have a low self esteem, I’m clingy, I’m overreactive, I make everything about me, and whenever one of us is talking I try to relate then start making it about me. I was listening to some of the things she was saying. I’ve been thinking about it since then, and I decided something. First, shes right in some of those aspects. I’ve been going through alot, so I have been making alot of things about me. I’ve realized that. But, when people are going through a hard time, they tend to talk about themselves in search for advice and someone to listen. Thats what friends are for, right? I know alot of the things she told me was true. My mother is a very over reactive and sensative person, and we’re alot alike in those aspects. I’m glad she called me out on all these things, I really appreciated it, but if she was really my best friend, she would’ve tried to be there to call me out, not wait a month of being on edge with me to finally tell me. For about a month she and my whole group have sorta been leaving me out of the conversations, sometimes dont invite me to things, and ignore me even. How is that fair? If I’m doing something you dont like, call me out, don’t leave me hanging wondering why you just started to hate me. I don’t know what to think of our relationship. I know our friendship is over, but what about all that’s happened before then? Aren’t friends supposed to be there for you when they need you most? She then told me that when I’m happy again, we can be friends. Like, why do you get the privilege to be around me when I’m happy when you dont want to be around me when I’m all sad and messed up. It doesn’t work like that. I did learn some things though. I learned I can’t put my whole heart into people, and I need to be more independent. I’ve gone through too many heart breaks (not necesarily relationship wise) to now realize that I’m basically on my own, and I only have myself that will make things better. I can’t rely on other people to fix my problems. I need to fix my posture and love myself. I need to walk proud and be confident in everything about myself. I didn’t need her in my life, I just wanted her there. I can live without her, and now when she comes running to me with a problem, I will look her right in the eyes and say “where were you when I needed you? Oh yeah, you walked away, remember?” then do a badass hair flip and strut away. I think I can do this. This is a new year, and even though I’m still the same girl, I can change things. I will change things. I’m just going to need baby steps and look myself in the mirror everyday telling myself how beautiful I am.

One thought on “Finding myself

  1. Dylan says:

    I’ve taken a little bit of my time to read your story, because I’ve also lived this problem myself and sometimes it’s hard to think that we are alone. I may not know you, but hey, a good advice once in a while doesn’t do any harm, right? So let me tell you something, that maybe you’ve already heard, but friends girl, can be only counted with our bare fingers. Maybe one, maybe only with 2. These days not everyone thinks like we do. Society is getting worst. I’m glad i found this website so i could tell you this. Maybe it’s weird since i don’t know who you are. But, there’s nothing better than to feel proud about ourselves and about who we are. We were born certain way, and if others don’t like it, they can screw themselves. I’m pretty sure you are a brave, lovely, wise and good girl. Friends come and go. Even the word itself says it “friENDS”. So go on, live your life, embrace it every day reminding yourself how beautiful you are. Jealousy lives in the hearts of many people, and believe me, nothing tastes better than the hate people get when they couldn’t fade away YOUR smiles and happiness. You only have one life. Don’t be like the others, be YOURSELF. And you’ll see that life can be amazing, when you observe it from another perspective. Take care.

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